Electronics for Art

Class booking

  • 1. Select one of the dates in the Schedule section.
    2. You will see all the course dates listed.
    3. Below that you will see the ticket options.
    4. Select the term ticket. A shopping cart icon will appear next to all dates.
    5. Click on View Selections to confirm your choice.
    6. Then follow the payment steps to complete the booking.

  • 1. Select the drop-in date you want in the Schedule section.
    2. Select the drop-in ticket option. You will see a shopping cart icon appear next to the selected date.
    3. To book multiple dates,
    For mobile users click on Select More to return to all the date options.
    For desktop users, select the additional date and select the drop-in ticket to add it to your cart.
    4. When you have chosen all desired dates, click on View Selections.
    5. Then follow the payment steps to complete the booking.