Exosphere 2002

Exosphere by Nic Sandiland. A series of black and white fish eye photos of a female figure.

Exosphere was the outcome of a research project at Chisenhale Dance Space in 2002 with filmmaker Simon Aeppli and dancer/choreographer Annie Lok. The research explored choreography for both camera and dancer as a duet, and integrated a variety of high and low tech camera motion mechanisms. (SD Video 1m)


A collaboration between filmmakers: Simon Aeppli, Nic Sandiland

Dancer: Annie Lok

Supported by: Chisenhale Dance Space


2012 to date: ReelDance Moving Image Collection (MIC) housed at the University of New South Wales,Sydney

2010: What If event, Siobhan Davies Studios, London

2007: Video Dance Italy Tour supported through the British Council

2007: Electrofringe Festival in Newcastle, Australia

2003: Televised UK Channel 4 as part of 4Dance season

2003: Stiftung Kultur Köln

2003: Shadowline Salerno Film Festival, Italy

2002: Dance on Camera festival, New York

2002: Dance on Screen, The Place Theatre, London


Choreographic Viewpoints 2004


The Public Record 2002