Tethera 2019

Tethera by Nic Sandiland. A black & white photo of a cliff face. Several climbers have abseiled down and are standing on the rock face leaning back with one arm in the air.

Tethera was the third part of a year-long artistic collaboration between Cumbria Youth Dance Company and Wired Aerial Theatre, to create a suite of new work on the theme of mountains.

Exploring the relationship between Labanotation (a way of recording dance movement) and topos (a similar notation method used by climbers to record their routes), dancers worked on the Cumbrian fells and in the studio to explore the transition between vertical and horizontal, producing 3 unique pieces of choreography. (HD Video 5m54s)


Dancers:  Jack Armistead, Beren Atkinson, Phoebe Bell, Daniel Bennett, Amber Fletcher

Patrick King, Erin Lee, Sophie March, Jody Rafferty, Mia Walsh, Iona Webster, Cameron Wickes

Director & Editor:  Nic Sandiland

2nd Camera:  Sasha Cookson

Drone Operator:  Jago Miller

Choreography:  Kelly McClelland, Stuart Walters with the dancers

Climbing Consultant:  Jamie Ogilvie

Safety Climbers:  Luke Murphy, Sandy Ogilvie, John Thornton

Sound Design/Composer: Andrew Deakin

Runner:  Ella Warburton

Aerial Artistry Technical Consultation: Wired Aerial Theatre

Producer for Cumbria Youth Dance: Lynn Barnes

Commissioned by: Cumbria Youth Dance

(for full cast, crew and funders see credits at end of film)


2019 Kendal Mountain Festival, Kendal, UK.


Set Me On Fire 2021


Curiouser 2018